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Welcome to Cambridge! Free Value Shipping on orders of $25 or more. No code needed.
Below are answers to many frequently asked questions regarding products. If the answer to your question isn't listed, please email our knowledgeable Customer Care team using the form on our "Contact Us" page.
We understand finding a product number may be difficult. Depending on your product, the product number can be found in one or more locations:
If you discover what you believe is a product defect, your product is covered under the terms of your product's warranty. Please refer to the warranty information and other supporting documentation that came with your product. Repairs or alterations made by persons not authorized by ACCO Brands may void the warranty.
Products purchased from a local store, office product dealers, non-ACCO Brands website or another third-party retailer must be returned to where they were originally purchased.
If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 30 days of the date of shipment for a refund or exchange. To request return and to learn more about returns and exchanges, visit our "Returns and Exchanges Policy" page.
For products purchased from a local store, office product dealer or non-ACCO Brands® website, please return the product to where it was originally purchased.
If you placed an order on our website, you will receive an email with a link to "Write a Review" within 3 to 4 weeks of order submission.
If you haven't placed an order on our website, go to the product page of the item you would like to review. Click the "Write a Review" link at the bottom of the page and follow the directions provided.
Most retailers selling dated products stock their shelves to accommodate seasonal selling periods and customer needs. Please continue to advise your retailer of your buying requirements.
Some items may not be available online as they are exclusive to specific retailers or resellers. If you need more help looking for an item, please use the "Email Us" form on the "Contact Us" page.
Expected time to deliver your product will be shown in italics above the "Add to Cart" button on the product page. You can always check back from time to time to see if the expected delivery date has changed or visit the "Contact Us" page to connect with a Customer Care representative.
Unfortunately products will be discontinued from time to time. We do our best to recommend suitable replacements when possible.
If your product has been discontinued, you may see other like items recommended when you attempt to renew your order from the "My Account" page. Recommended products may also show if you search for the original item.
If you need assistance locating a replacement, visit our "Contact Us" page to connect with a Customer Care representative.